What *Safe* Drugs Are There Besides Weed?
Question by anonycat: What *Safe* drugs are there besides weed?
***I will ignore any and all anti-drug answers. I am NOT wasting my time with people who have neither knowledge or experience. Both you and I know you haven’t done your research or tried it yourself if you still think weed is dangerous, addictive, and a horrible thing.***
Basically, I’m wondering what other substances out there that give you a high or a simply fun experience that are as *safe* as weed. By safe I mean like low risk of death, low risk of addiction. I’m not trying to overdose or get hooked on something here.
Thanks for your input and have a nice day!
Best answer:
Answer by Worried Worker
Alcohol nicotine and caffiene are the only ones. Alcohol being the biggest head change. I've experemented with lots and I feel normal but drug use messes with dopamine levels permenantly and now days I always need some kind of poison to feel content when I should be happy normal. Keep it in mind.
Answer by Coco
Well there's a plant that belongs in the mamosa family that people call the sensitive plant that cures addictions but I'm not sure if it gets you high and of course it's illegal in the U.S. (Btw marijuana can't cause death. But you can get an upset stomach if you consume to much, which is the case for everything.) just sayin.
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