Smoking Marijuana? How Do You Feel and Your Thoughts on It.?
Question by john: Smoking marijuana? How do you feel and your thoughts on it.?
I dont have anything against people who do. and alot of people do.
my personal thoughts. Is that small drugs can lead to bigger drugs and bigger addiction.
Take Chris Herren for example had a promising future in the NBA. All he did in highschool was smoke and drink.and it became not enough for him. It gradually takes more and more for you to get the same high that you like. And can lead to other stronger drugs.
What are your personal thoughts about it?
Best answer:
Answer by Phoenix.
I sometimes regret smoking it, I sometimes regret quitting, mainly because I went cold turkey,which if you ask me is stupid after being an addict for three years because it was a hell that showed me what depression is. All in all I think is dumb and unnecesary to smoke, it can cause some serious mental illness, if you dont have problems with that, I say smoke it. as a aside note and regarding what you mention I did other drugs along with marijuana, so in my case it did lead me to ‘try’ other drugs to ‘see’ or ‘experiment’, but I consider I was only addicted to marijuana and cigarettes in my life. I can say that if I hadn’t smoked marijuana to begin with I think my life would’ve been easier.
Answer by Brandon
Self control. If you have it you can smoke weed and stop whenever you wamt. I’ve smoked for more than 5 years straight and decided to quit just to stay clean for a while. If you don’t want bigger or worse drugs don’t do em simple as that.
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