AIDS Drugs Tested on Foster Children…?
Question by BoSox 007: AIDS Drugs tested on foster children…?
i just read this article and there were differing views being reported regarding the necessity of assigning “monitors” to oversee the best-interests of the foster children included in this drug study. the ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence (to do good), and malfeasance (to do harm), and justice may be used to defend either position. some questions i have are:
– what potential ‘good’ could come from foster children participating in this research?
-what potential ‘harms’ could come from foster children participating in this research?
-should children (in general) and foster children be used as subjects in research?
What Procedures Does One Have to Go Through to Leave Drug Rehab?
Question by wrongnumber: What procedures does one have to go through to leave drug rehab?
Like, what standard tests, etc. does someone have to go through before they leave?
Best answer:
Answer by Rachel
If you are in a residential addiction treatment program you will have a discharge planner assigned to you before you leave treatment. A discharge planner will review a relapse prevention plan such as meeting schedule, psychiatrist appointments if needed, half way housing or sober living, and outpatient programs to continue step down treatment. If there is no discharge planner in the facility you have chosen to go to then your primary therapist should also do the discharge planner position.
Cupcake Bake-Off Will Raise Money, Awareness for Drug Abuse Prevention
Cupcake bake-off will raise money, awareness for drug abuse prevention
ADVERTISEMENT. Local students are invited to take place in the second annual Cupcakes for CAPE bake-off, to raise awareness and funds for substance abuse prevention. CAPE, the Council on Addiction Prevention and Education, will host the bake-off.
Read more on Poughkeepsie Journal
Local coalition focusing on substance abuse prevention
At its bi-annual meeting, about 60 members of the coalition — local officials in the health, education and human services fields — sought advice from organizations outside Franklin County that are already working on preventing substance abuse before …
Read more on The Recorder
After Battling Addictions, Creed Frontman Scott Stapp Renews His Faith
After battling addictions, Creed frontman Scott Stapp renews his faith
Stapp began drinking heavily and became addicted to prescription drugs. He had a serious car accident in 2002, suffering vertebrae damage and a … Stapp went through rehab and turned his life around. These days, Stapp said, his only “meds” are running …
Read more on Washington Post
Several nurses charged in theft of prescription drugs
*Sheri Myers, 40, of Lakewood Ranch, Fla., an RN who was employed at the University of Toledo Medical Center, the former Medical College of Ohio Hospital. *Kimberly Mehki, 37, of Lambertville, an LPN who worked at Heatherdowns Rehabilitation and …
Read more on Norwalk Reflector
Do I Have to Live at a Treatment Center for an ED?
Question by : Do I have to live at a treatment center for an ED?
My friend told my parents about my ED. I am going for a pyscological evaluation at Laureate in OK. Will I have to live there? Do you have to be inpatient before your an outpatient? If I do stay, what about school? If in outpatient when do I go? What do I do? How long would I go, and how often. How is it determined if I will stay or be in outpatient?
Sorry, but I’m just really nervous. I don’t really want help, but if I’m going I might as well know what’s going on.
Why Is Being a Drug Addict a Mental Illness ?
Question by : why is being a drug addict a mental illness ?
i don’t see it
Best answer:
Answer by Bendy
generally well adjusted people dont become drug addicts. something becomes an illness when it interferes with your ability to function efectively in the culture in which you are immersed. Do drug addiction is a mental illness because once you are addicted access to the drug takes precidence over most other things. that is considered an illness