Is It From Drugs?

Question by Me: Is it from Drugs?
I found out that someone was providing mt lil’ cuz with drugs.
We talked about it and she promised she only did it once and she would never do it again. It was some kind of speed. Well, last night I was in the restroom and she came in there, she was looking at me all weird and said she felt really sick and she thinks she is gonna pass out. Before I could get close enough to her, she collapsed, straight down to the floor, she hit her head off the tile. I was holding her and she was shaking and she wass trying to catch her breathe. She was gasping for air and her heart was beating really fast. You could feel it through her body, Why? After this she was fine, but she was really weak and cold.
Maybe I am not being specific enough, but it wasn’t a seizure. Her body didn’t draw up and she didn’t drool, she wasn’t shaking out of control and she stayed with me. She knew everything that was going on. When you have a seizure you go into shock and you don’t know what happened. I have been around plenty of people with seizures. I would have taken her to the hospital if it was an emergency, which it wasn’t. She was fine in 15 min. Just tired. I am not her legal gaurdian, so as for her going to the doc. totally up to her parents. It was late and they were closed anyway.
I took her to her parents.

Best answer:

Answer by Tman
um.. yea its from drugs, get her some help

Answer by Sick Guy
1. drugs….thats what they do…kill you
2. sounds like a panic attack, (adrenaline bomb) which can be brought out from stress/////or drugs
3. she will have to goto the doctors office….to be safe.

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