Drug/ Alcohol Addiction: Do You Think Its Genetic?
Question by fgdhfghr: Drug/ Alcohol addiction: Do you think its genetic?
I have had alcohol. I even got drunk when I was a teen from peer pressure. But now as an adult, I rarely drink…..no desire to. I have also used narcotic pain killers after surgery and never had the desire to continue using them once the pain was gone which was usually within a week. It must be something in my genes. I know so many people addicted to drugs and alcohol. I think if we could find the addiction genes, we could wipe out addiction. What do you think?
Best answer:
Answer by porwest
I do believe there are genetics at play. But at the end of the day people also make choices.
Answer by AetherDesigns.com
Kind of. Weak willpower can be inherited. Addicted people are making excuses for themselves. If you can’t go without, don’t try it.
The only thing that can be considered addiction is the withdrawal. Your body can get physically addicted to it, but your mind makes all the choices.
You have a strong willpower 😉
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