Do I Need Mental Help?

Question by salsa1009: Do i need mental help?
The first time I smoked was in december of 2012, and it was with my friend. She provided me with an electric cig. After that happened, I stopped thinking about smoking. She didn’t want to give me anymore of it. Which I was pissed because I needed it. My body and mind was desperate and I didn’t have anyone to get me some bud or cigs. I was desperate and I started to smoke tea. Green tea, passion flower tea, chamomile tea. I did not smoke tea for the intention of getting high because u don’t get high but in fact to feel relaxed and good. I think i’m addicted to the act of having something to inhale and exhale. It makes me feel amazing BUT i need to stop because i might be effing up my health and lungs. I am sooo desperate for weed and no one i know can provide me with some. I’va also been tempted to get high off of nutmeg, but i’m scared that i might get caught. I’ve told my friend about my desperation for weed and she felt bad so she wants to give me a real cigarette to smoke. I’m excited to smoke it, but at the same time i don’t because it’s bad and im ******* my lungs and my mom will seriously freak the **** out. Please help me!!! Please!! I think i’m mentally ****** up and im mentally addicted. What should i do? I need to smoke. My lungs need their food. ****, wtf is wrong with me!!!!!!????? I’m 16 years old. If i tell my parents they’ll probably ground me forever until i’m 18. Can someone please help, im begging you!!
I’ve also been tempted to sniff some tobacco and cocaine. Wtf is wrong with me? I use to be clean, but my friend with the e cig fuxked my life up

Best answer:

Answer by Naguru
No. Know.

Answer by Fancover
Your addicted to smoking like millions of other people. Get some addictions counseling.

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