Drug Addiction Can Come in the Genes?
Question by : Drug addiction can come in the genes?
Is possible that my addiction to drugs is because my father used cocaine, before and during my mother’s pregnancy?
Best answer:
Answer by Crab Nicholson
Uh no you can’t get addict unless you do it your self.
Satirical Blog Offers Up Little-Known Black History Facts
Satirical Blog Offers Up Little-Known Black History Facts
Firstly, it's important to me that folks know that there is a difference between the blog and the meme that it spawned. There are some memes that feature notable figures, sensitive and traumatic scenes/content like drug addiction, homophobia and misogyny.
Read more on The Root
America, Stop Giving Our Embarrassing Mayor So Much Attention
I'm not even going to get into how he is essentially a criminal currently being investigated by police, his substance abuse problem, his terrible character or his evident racism, homophobia and sexism. Oh, and the part in the police reports where city …
Read more on Huffington Post Canada
Healthy Vows: Married Folks Are Less Likely to Have Any Kind of Heart Problem …
Healthy vows: Married folks are less likely to have any kind of heart problem …
Researchers used health questionnaires that people filled out when they sought various types of tests in community settings around the country from an Ohio company, Life Line Screening Inc. Some of these screening tests, for various types of cancer and …
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Gov. Bryant signs welfare drug-testing bill
When it takes effect, anyone who applies for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families will have to answer a questionnaire. If the answers show the possibility of substance abuse, the person will have to take a drug test. Anyone testing positive would …
Read more on Hattiesburg American
Drug Anwsers?
Question by Ryan O: drug anwsers?
need for power point
slang or street names
origen of drug
how the drug is used
immediate effects
long term effects
and 5 ohter key points
Best answer:
Answer by Shep
Ok, I ask homework questions on here but this is like a whole report..stop being so lazy.
Food Addiction…………?
Question by Jellyfish: Food addiction…………?
When someone has a drug/alcohol problem, absence is the solution to recovery. What happens when someone has an addiction to food? One can not simply remove food from their life without starvation. I guess the answer is proper management and moderation.
I am successfully doing this. I am a female in my early twenties, 5’2 and 118 pounds. I’m active and overall physically fit. But I have this dark secret of the obsession of food. I am constantly thinking about what I’m going to eat, when I’m going to eat, what I’m putting in my mouth is doing to my body (I eat very healthy) and I’m sooo tired of revolving my thoughts around something we just need to keep us alive.
Singleton Far From Alone in Addiction Battle
Singleton far from alone in addiction battle
He also became a cautionary tale about the demons of addiction and how they ravage bodies, destroy families and ultimately kill. … Plenty of Astros fans will remember Caminiti when they read the quotes from 22-year-old first baseman Jon Singleton, a …
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In Their Own Terms
She grew up in Hawaii with a mother who had her first child at 16 and a father who battled drug addiction and had numerous children with other women. (One year, Ms. Mock said, her father “had a … This winter, Atria Books (a division of Simon and …
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