Drug Addiction Help

What *Safe* Drugs Are There Besides Weed?

Question by anonycat: What *Safe* drugs are there besides weed?
***I will ignore any and all anti-drug answers. I am NOT wasting my time with people who have neither knowledge or experience. Both you and I know you haven’t done your research or tried it yourself if you still think weed is dangerous, addictive, and a horrible thing.***

Basically, I’m wondering what other substances out there that give you a high or a simply fun experience that are as *safe* as weed. By safe I mean like low risk of death, low risk of addiction. I’m not trying to overdose or get hooked on something here.

Billionaire George Soros Turns Cash Into Legalized Pot

Billionaire George Soros turns cash into legalized pot
With a cadre of like-minded, wealthy donors, Mr. Soros is dominating the pro-legalization side of the marijuana debate by funding grass-roots initiatives that begin in New York City and end up affecting local politics elsewhere. Through a network of …
Read more on Washington Times

Police cars in two New Jersey counties will carry drug overdose antidote
For 10 years, he worked at Bloomberg Radio in New York City where he anchored coverage of several major events including the 9/11 attacks and the 2003 blackout. He also covered business and market news as a reporter from the New York Stock … Mihlon …
Read more on Newsworks.org

When Will Tramadol Be a Scheduled Drug Throughout the United States?

Question by Savannah: When will tramadol be a scheduled drug throughout the United States?
I am a recovering addict to Tramadol. I have battled the insidiousness of addiction to this drug for the past 5 years. As of January 1st this year,Tramadol became a scheduled drug in my state alone. There are 14 other states, I have been told, in which Tramodol has been scheduled. I was wondering when the rest of the country will get on board with scheduling this drug and realize the absolute potential to addiction this drug poses and the danger involved with prescribing this drug?

Love or Karma Made Me Feel Like This?

Question by Mark: Love or Karma made me feel like this?
Love That Destroyed me…………….?
Traumatic Love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
Ok there is a person in my life wich i used to obsessively (fantesised every night and day about it) and the person didn’t even know it.Now i see it always in my dreams like PTSD and when i see it in reality I PASS OUT.

OMGWTF IS THIS ? I can’t delete this person from my mind ,last time i saw the person was 1 year ago but i didnt talk to the person for 5 years (deleted all links) i tought i will forgot but my brain seems to have a scar about this person.

Researchers Find Drug Therapy That Could Eventually Reverse Memory

Researchers Find Drug Therapy That Could Eventually Reverse Memory
The drug can't yet be used in humans, but the researchers are pursuing compounds that could someday help the population of aging adults who don't have Alzheimer's or other dementias but still have trouble remembering day-to-day items. Their findings …
Read more on Drug Discovery & Development

Pizza Chains Are Secretly Packing Their Food with MSG
Also, deliberately turning food into a cheap, addictive drug is shady. Stop doing that, food industry! You guys are gross jerks! But I'd like … It's very interesting—glutamate is a neurotransmitter. It is found in very high concentrations inside …
Read more on Jezebel

Is .50mg a Safe XANAX Dosage?

Question by Zukovsky: Is .50mg a safe XANAX dosage?
Hey everyone, My doctor prescribed me ten .25 mg Xanax for panic attacks, but I’m a big guy (6’0, 235 pounds) so is .50mg a safe dosage?

Best answer:

Answer by crazy legs
dont take it its poison look up xanax on wikipedia and it will make you have heath problems in the future

Answer by myme
ya thats a small dose. its safe as long as you you dont start exceding the dosage and only take em as needed, they can be addictive if abused and give you bad results. You should be good with that to help your anxiety, im only 175 lbs. and need alot more than that for my anxiety.