ABOUT DRUG ADDICTION in INDIA Please Read the Details Below?

Question by Aakash C: ABOUT DRUG ADDICTION IN INDIA please read the details below?
In Poor communities, ignorance and uneducation is too much, they fall into trap of drugs and they dont EVEN KNOW WHICH DRUG THEY ARE USING, there was i boy whome i knew for so long, suddenly he lost mind control, he just laughs and laughs at everything and suddenly he goes angry and want to kill every1 around him, he had a great mind 1 day ago, now 1 yr has passed, his mother didnt gave him ay medicine she is in mythological rituals, like black magic from Africa, i am so sad seeing his life vanish, he is lost, he recons me sometimes (just my name) but dosnt remember any moment spend with me,
there are million of cases in India, and govt has no time to look into it, we have so many problums here, bigger threats of Terrorism than USA have,
some1 will have to ook into it, these are not animals they are humens!

Best answer:

Answer by karkee07
I personally know what you mean. In the 80’s the goverment started a Just Say No campagine. Basiclly it was total waste since the representives of it were all drug users themsleves. It was a joke. They made crack a racist drug and laws so bad that it was an fellony right away, but that was to put away more minorites in prisons. 75% percent of cocain users are white here in the US…..but the laws for coke isnt as strong as the crack laws…..so yes our goverment in raciest. Which sucks.
The American goverment doesn’t do much about it either. In the area I live we get discounted mental services for drug addicts becuase there are so many drugs goinging around. The goverment cares to much about this stupied war and kicking people out of the country or making gas way to expensive to care about the people who actually need help.

I had a friend like that who totally got caught up with the world of drugs. We went to a good high school in a nice middle class town in the subarbs of Akron and Cleveland, But the drug problems at our school were worse then the nearby innercity schools. Lots of my friends after him got into drugs. Some kids I knew overdoesed and lost their lives.

So drugs arn’t just problems in poor areas. I know people whos familys are very well off and they are doing drugs and stuff they shouldn’t. Its a sterotype that drugs are only in the poor places, obviously most people haven’t been to my old high school, which was know as the Pharmacy thoughout most the area. I guess it just depends on what kind of drugs and thats how people begin to sterotype. Like crack for blacks, weed for hippes, coke for rockstars, ect. When I know people in my class who’s done them all.

I understand how you feel about your friend. Several of mine thankfuly came out of their addications. others are getting worse and worse.

I dont know if India has programs like AA or NA, but you should look. You might beable to take your friend to a meeting and get him help. But you need to know that he will only take help or quite when he wants to. Most addicts cant quit becuase they still are having fun with the drug when they relize they are addicted and boom its stuck with them. But just let him know you are there. My now boyfriend used to be into hard core drugs and has been clean for over a year!

Something has to be done not just in the US or india, but all around the world. Drugs are a world wide epedemic and it has to be worked on. I believe that the Peace Corps does work with drugs and such. I wish people would get over themselves and start caring about this. I guess I am seen as a prissy white girl from a decent town….but honestly I cant wait to get out of this place and do something decent for the world.

I dont know if this helped, but I do know what you are going though. Watching a friend go though an addiction is one of the hardest things to witness and I am sorry your haveing to go though it.

It you ever need anyone to chat with, email me. And I think it would be cool to have a penpal from another country.

[email protected]

Answer by ?@§p€?™
The effect of drug addiction really causes mental disorders. Treating a drug addict is not simple and cannot be done all alone. This problem should be treated by experts or experienced staff that works in a drug rehabilitation center with good facilities and peaceful location.

Friends and families should take a role for fast drug addiction to the patient. It really hurts seeing someone you loved suffering this kind of problem.

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