Please Read My Story?

Question by : Please read my story?
Okay, my Mother works for a company of about 70 people. It has always been am independent company, but in recent times the boss retired and sold the company to a group/consortium. The new boss of the company (not the group), gets a phone call one day where he was told the following “Right, you’ve got to make 47 people redundant, you have two weeks to work out who you want to get rid off, bye!”

Anyways, two weeks later on Monday morning, everyone was gathered into the same room and the news was told. To say everyone’s world had just come crashing down would be an under statement. A list was read out, and it left only 25 people with their jobs. The people who were losing their jobs had families to look after, mortgages to pay, etc, etc. They were given six wages and that was it. For the people left behind, they tuck a pay cut and in addition, had lost their friends who they’d been working with for over 30 years and many had their own jobs reshuffled.

That was about 2 years ago now, when the recession hit. My Mother was one of those who was made redundant, and it was one of the worst times ever. I myself, a teenager with a part-time job had to chip in for the bills. Eventually my mother managed to find a job, it was only in a supermarket and not the career she had built up, but hell it was a job.

I guess I’ve forgotten what my question was, but I just felt like I needed to tell someone that story. I’m still young, but it has really shook me up, and made me think what if that happened to me one day 8(

Your thoughts and views?

Best answer:

Answer by princess
sweety, this isn’t common unless you work in things like factories or warehouses. you dont have anything to worry about. i suggest maybe seeing a councillor, they are very good and you can find some cheap ones too 😉 this helped me partly get through my depression and im only a teen. there will always be a scar, but advice will slowly help it fade away, my depression was caused by nothiing imparticular, i guess i just felt like a runt compared to everyone else at my school and i hope my advice has helped, 🙂

Answer by Grimoire88
Wow, I must say you’re being very mature about this. Being able to get a part time job was a wise choice to help out the family income. As for your question, the idea of retrenchment is an alien one to most people who think they have stable and secure positions in their company. That’s why it is always important to plan ahead and think financially. Also, it’s extremely useful to be able to have a second “talent” to fall back on. That why, when you do get retrenched/fired from a job, you’ll be able to find a second one with ease. Economic recessions can be devastating, but with sufficient planning and motivation to get a new job, you should be able to get through it

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